I’m sitting here at the airport after some intense days of preparation for this trip to Peru. Sunday we will officially open the Shipibo school of theology in the jungle about 6 hours by boat from the tropical city of Pucallpa. The coursework will consist of one week of intense teaching four times a year for three years. I will begin the first section of an in depth study of the book of Genesis. Julio Serrano, a Peruvian missionary and myself have committed to a 5 year plan hoping that graduates will be able to take on the teaching to keep the school going. The curriculum is primarily a foundation for a solid theology so that those attending will be able to return to their communities up and down the rivers and repeat the teaching and share the love of Christ. It all began months ago when a Shipibo leader approached Julio to see if someone could come to teach the Word to his people. We were of course delighted to assist and we believe this is an answer to many prayers. Please pray with us that the seeds of truth planted will not return void but rather multiply many times over.
Along with the opening of the school is also an effort to teach good training practices for soccer. It is exciting to have my son in law Mike join us for this training. Mike travelled with me last August on the survey trip and did some soccer at that time. We learned the Shipibo have a 70 team single elimination tournament which should begin a few days before we leave. Needless to say the team is eager to have Mike return and we are able to bring some gear including balls, boots, and a complete double set of team jersey and shorts. Again we thank God and people like you that have donated to make all this possible.