
Hi there! I am the Founder & Director of Kyrios Ministries. Born & raised in the midwest in Springfield, Illinois, I ventured out to San Diego, California for college at Point Loma Nazarene University, before moving to Vienna, Austria in 2007. I am passionate about discipleship & mission, leading teams, being a catalyst to start new ministry, and creating an atmosphere where the body of Christ can come alive. My God-dream is to spark a discipleship movement that changes the whole country of Austria and beyond by organically making disciples, …

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Luis Palau Association

Surge Soccer is a member of the Next Generation Alliance, which is a coalition of like minded evangelists serving around the world. It will be interesting to see where the Lord will take this association and what He will do through it!

Hank DeGraan

Hank and his company have been instrumental in providing resources like fresh milk, bread, fruit and vegetables on a weekly basis to the orphanages in Tecate. Hank and his many friends in Mexico and in the USA have also coordinated fund raising events for construction and maintenance of the facilities.

Misael & Dr. Yolanda Morales

For 25 years this faithful couple has served over 1300 children at the Rancho San Juan Bosco Orphanage in Tecate, Mexico. Yolanda is a medical doctor and serves the community from the orphanage clinic and Miseal is an accountant.