Good morning! Thank you for praying for Liberia and for the Liberian people. Please pray specifically for Ollie at this time. Her older brother died this past week.
Here is an encouraging, inspirational, and thoughtful video of Amos Gayflor, chief of one of the Liberian tribes, and dedicated to spreading the word of God throughout Africa. What amazing people we met in Liberia, and now you can meet them through the videos!
The new technology made a huge difference in our second Cross-Cultural Professional Learning Community meeting! Thank you! It is a learning curve for all of us, but we are making good progress. All the teachers, Ollie, and myself have written our goals for the year. We will be monitoring and documenting our progress towards these goals with the hopes of having data to present to the Minister of Education at the end of the year.
Last week, Ollie traveled to Kakata to work with teachers and administrators at 3 new schools. Her words, “Teacher education went well. It was both challenging and motivating; showing great promise for the future. The District Education Officer and County Education Officer were all present.”
Just prior to our visit to Liberia, many of you contributed school supplies (two and a half suitcases full!). Below is a picture of the classroom walls prior to your contribution, and some pictures as the children started the new school year on September 5. What a difference! The principal has checked the materials out to teachers and will collect them at the end of the year so they can be used again next year.
Walls last year:

This year (what a difference!). Thank you.

And one other kind of wall:

Beautiful Beginnings School is partially enclosed by a wall. Due to safety concerns and uncontrolled pedestrian traffic, work to complete the wall and protect the children is vital. As you can see, the work continues.
Liberia is on the cusp of incredible possibilities. Your prayers are making things happen for the kingdom of God.
Roberta Reed