What’s happening at Surge? Check it out!
Surge VP Al Lotz is currently in Junin Pablo, Peru conducting an in depth teaching of the Gospel of John to area leaders and pastors. NOTES: Al traveled from Atlanta to Lima to Pucallpa by plane then by boat to the very rural area of Junin Pablo…this is the first of three Bible Teaching Trips scheduled to this area for 2020.
Josh Westermann, our newest Surge Global Ambassador, is heading to Haiti April 4-10 with a new partner – Project Living Hope. In the morning, Josh will teach soccer coaches – and in the afternoons the coaches will “coach” the kids. An estimated 50 coaches and up to 1,000 kids will participate. GOAL – train coaches to use Biblical values in their coaching and to share the Gospel with the kids and community.
May 16 we will celebrate our 25th anniversary of supporting the Rancho San Juan Bosco Orphanage in Tecate, Mexico with some special events and our “Old Timers” Charity Match. If you would like to support the orphans financially or join us in Mexico on May 16th – contact me @ dirby@surgesoccer.org.
Zambia, April 25-May 5 – We are part of the Luis Palau Next Generation Alliance (palau.org) and have been invited to participate in a three city evangelistic event in Zambia. I have been asked to lead sports ministry seminars for pastors, leaders and coaches; train soccer coaches –and Sammy Surge and I have been invited to visit schools.
sharing hope through soccer,
David F. Irby